Everything is changing: the shortage of skilled workers is changing the labour market, artificial intelligence is finding its way into the recruitment process and the need for career security is increasing. With all these changes at different stages of life, what does contemporary career planning look like? Here are four typical questions that we are repeatedly confronted with in our daily work:
Mergers or takeovers often lead to (mass) redundancies. Companies engage outplacement service providers to support those affected in this stressful situation and help them find a new professional challenge. Read the latest expert interview in Personal Schweiz on the subject of outplacement, separation management and redundancy.
We are the first assessment provider in Switzerland to offer neuroscience-based assessment in collaboration with an established Swiss institute headed by a renowned professor of neurobiology.
To leave or to stay? Read here our latest article on how involving employees in career planning can serve as a motivator and thus for employee retention. Published in the trade press Personal Schweiz, February 2023 issue.
The year is slowly coming to an end - time to slowly come to rest and draw conclusions.
And it is always particularly important for us to say "Merci!" to you:
Expansion of our national and international locations: We are now also represented with our own offices in Bern. We have also established new partnerships in Austria, the Benelux countries, Mexico and Brazil.
If you want to be promoted, you must not be afraid of self-marketing. Read in the article by Lorenz Honegger from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung of 25.7.2022 what, from our practical point of view, the most important principles are, when you're planning career advancement.
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